Similar to the Top 25 lists in the other evaluation views, the "Content" section shows the documents that were most frequently opened. This number refers to all the documents that were maintained in the ttps Workbench. In addition to tt documents and their export formats, this also includes links or documents from third-party systems, such as PDFs, PPTs etc. Furthermore, the "Content Types" view shows which content formats were used most frequently.This evaluation can be particularly useful for drawing conclusions about the export formats that are most popular among users. tts performance suite documentation > help topic > Diagrams and overviews in the ttps Analytics Dashboard
Similar to the Top 25 lists in the other evaluation views, the "Content" section shows the documents that were most frequently opened. This number refers to all the documents that were maintained in the ttps Workbench. In addition to tt documents and their export formats, this also includes links or documents from third-party systems, such as PDFs, PPTs etc. (You can also change the view and only display Quick Guides instead of documents. tts performance suite documentation > help topic > Diagrams and overviews in the ttps Analytics Dashboard
TheDashboardcan be accessed directly from the Web Publisher portal in ttps via a button. Access can be controlled via the author role authorizations. Worum geht es? The Dashboard offers a range of analysis options that are designed to check the effectiveness of Performance Support initiatives, providing you with a basis to optimize such initiatives accordingly: In-depth statistics regarding the access period (week, month, year, arbitrary timeframe and download of all accociated data for the access period General access figures: returning/new visitors Analyses of the most popular search queries Depiction of all queries in a particular application that didn't produce any hits in your learning content Access statistics broken down according to processes, topics and courses Overview of the most popular content formats: e-learning, guides, documentation, short instructions, assessments, third-party documents Depiction of the devices, operating systems and browsers used Output of the so-called bounces, bounce rates and average times on site on the Web Publisher tts performance suite documentation > help topic > ttps Analytics Dashboard
The Dashboard can be accessed directly from the Web Publisher portal in ttps via a button. Access can be controlled via the author role authorizations. Worum geht es? The Dashboard offers a range of analysis options that are designed to check the effectiveness of Performance Support initiatives, providing you with a basis to optimize such initiatives accordingly: In-depth statistics regarding the access period (week, month, year, arbitrary timeframe and download of all associated data for the access period General access figures: returning/new visitors Analyses of the most popular search queries Depiction of all queries in a particular application that didn't produce any hits in your learning content Access statistics broken down according to processes, topics and courses Overview of the most popular content formats: e-learning, guides, documentation, short instructions, assessments, third-party documents Depiction of the devices, operating systems and browsers used Output of the so-called bounces, bounce rates and average times on site on the Web Publisher tts performance suite documentation > help topic > ttps Analytics Dashboard
Which types of content can be managed with tt performance suite? ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen Start page With sound ...or click the arrow on the screen. 4 minutes What do we mean by management? ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen But what does management actually mean and what purpose does it serve? tts performance suite documentation > e-learning > Which types of content can be managed with ttps?
Which types of content can be managed with tts performance suite? ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen Start page With sound ...or click the arrow on the screen. 4 minutes What do we mean by management? ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen But what does management actually mean and what purpose does it serve? tts performance suite documentation > e-learning > Which types of content can be managed with the curator?
Introduction tt performance suite Electronic Performance Support e-learning: Short and to the point Making content available to specific target groups ttps Professional translation Mobile learning Single sourcing Documentation Guides Professional translation Advantages at a glance In a nutshell Availability User acceptance ttps HTML 4 HTML 5 specific target groups specific roles and process-oriented context-sensitive Documentation Knowledge transfer with tt performance suite HTML Word PDF ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen ttps Authoring tool Documentationsystem Onlinehelps Formal and informal learning IT-Themen Non-IT-Themen Compliance-Trainings SAP Successfactors MS-Office ttps Sales Force EPSS by tts - QuickAccess bietet passgenaue Hilfe an Feldbeschreibungen Arbeitsanweisungen Übergeordnete Informationen e-learning: Short and to the point Output formats HTML Word PDF Centralized content management in various views Documentation Guides offers tailored assistance Electronic Performance Support Content available based on IT interaction texts ttps Authoring tool Documentationsystem Onlinehelps Output formats Always contain the same information Non-IT IT work instructions field descriptions detailed information process overview Documentation Coaching Step-by-step instructions Quick reference cards Virtual classroom training Guides e-learning lessons third-party documents LMS SCORM AICC ttps Documentation e-learnings Guides Centralized document repository Processes Topics Courses Linking Linking Linking Original Centralized document repository Glossary Other functions: Search Centralized management in views QuickAccess additional information browser-based Server Browserbasiert LMS Scorm AICC are online helps Documentation e-learning e-learning Documentation Mobile learning A single software package, tt performance suite combines tools and functions for both learning strategies. tts performance suite documentation > e-learning > What exactly is tt performance suite?
Availability You can structure and display your training courses to precisely suit your requirements: Let's assume your company wants to introduce a new version of MS Office. This would involve creating a course, featuring several modules, in which the new features are presented. tts performance suite documentation > e-learning > Deployment scenario – e-learning
Introduction tts performance suite Electronic Performance Support e-learning: Short and to the point Making content available to specific target groups Professional translation Mobile learning Single sourcing Documentation Guides Professional translation Advantages at a glance Availability User acceptance HTML 4 HTML 5 specific target groups specific roles and process-oriented context-sensitive Documentation Knowledge transfer with tts performance suite HTML Word PDF ttps Autorenwerkzeug Dokumentations-system Online-Hilfen Authoring tool Documentationsystem Onlinehelps Formal and informal learning IT-Themen Non-IT-Themen Compliance-Trainings SAP Successfactors MS-Office ttps Sales Force EPSS by tts - QuickAccess bietet passgenaue Hilfe an Feldbeschreibungen Arbeitsanweisungen Übergeordnete Informationen e-learning: Short and to the point Output formats HTML Word PDF Centralized content management in various views Documentation Guides offers tailored assistance Electronic Performance Support Content available based on IT interaction texts Authoring tool Documentationsystem Onlinehelps Output formats Always contain the same information Non-IT IT work instructions field descriptions detailed information process overview Documentation Coaching Step-by-step instructions Quick reference cards Virtual classroom training Guides e-learning lessons third-party documents LMS SCORM AICC Documentation e-learnings Guides Processes Topics Courses Linking Linking Linking Original Glossary Other functions: Search Centralized management in views QuickAccess additional information browser-based Server Browserbasiert LMS Scorm AICC Documentation e-learning e-learning Documentation Mobile learning Thanks to context-sensitive Electronic Performance Support, users receive specially tailored instructions on how to perform their work processes within an IT application. tts performance suite documentation > e-learning > What exactly is tts performance suite?